Light crew today consisting of four team members. It turned out really good, we were able to have 2 people on each monolif and I was able to closely work with a teammate who has admitted to struggling to feel good under the bar squatting since his last meet. By the end of the training day he said he was feeling great, this is a huge win for the training day regardless of my own performance.
We got three different views for todays squats making sure I'm getting to depth and making sure I am not compensation going to one side. Looking from the side view band tension is going to need to be increased so I do lose tension at the bottom.
(Light Lower)
*Box Jumps, 20 total
*Squat,6x3 w/4 sec negative, with bands: 375
*Laying Leg Curls
*Band Goodmornings
*Machine Abductions, super set with machine adductions
*Hanging Leg Raises