The amount of Anxiety that my body experienced prior to this training session tells me that my mental preparation still sucks. 2 hrs before my training and I was stressing out, I have not been under a "heavy squat" since my almost debut bomb out at 2017 Reebok Record Breakers opening with 620. The session went well, I ended with taking 600 for three. My first rep is still sucking as I am not confident in myself and keep cutting it high, reps 2 and three were acceptable but only one rep counts. More attention will be given to my first rep as this peak starts.
*3RM: 600 (RPE 8.5-9)
*Cambered Bar Goodmorning 2x10: 205
*Pendlay Row 2x10: 185
*Cable Hip Pull-throughs 2x10: stack
*GHR 2x10: Thick Orange Band