I had three different people come into the gym today that looked like "death warmed over". Yes, there is a "bug" going around that is taking its toll on some. Heck! I had it (and now dealing with the aftermath) but I had the sense to accommodate my issue. These folks were trudging through the motion and not really getting anything at all out of it.
Knowing that it would be far better for them to pack it in, I delicately as can be told them..."Get the fuck out of here! Go HOME! Come back to fight this battle another day!
I find that sometimes the toughest exercise is that of restraint.
You aren't doing yourself any favor, nor anyone else in the gym by "gutting" the training session out.
Workouts are catabolic. They are made to stress a system and break it down. In the REST is healing and growth.
Being sick is also catabolic. So by training through your sickness you are COMPOUNDING the catabolism.
The conclusion of such action is a payback that takes MUCH longer than most are willing to endure.
Go HOME! Fix yourself. Rebuild and then reload!
You aren't being a hero in this circumstance.
Stay healthy!!!
Today's Training:
Concept II Row: 15 mins.
C/S Row: 4x12
Lat Pulldown: 4x12
Blast Strap Row/Blast Strap Bicep Curl: 50/50 Do all of the rows first/ then do all of the curls
Chin-ups: 10x3
Barbell Reverse Curl: 4x10
Barbell Preacher Curl: 4x10
Concentration Curl: 4x10