Saturday's a a low key everyone have at it day. I run ONE session and it's mostly for my son's benefit. He said a while ago that it was OK for others to train in his time.
I let that get away and decided it was more important for HE and I to train together.
Yes, you need to be creative, but a young and old man can train together doing the SAME exercises albeit modified for the athlete.
I could tell by the look on his face that he was STOKED to be with his old man.
He turns to me as we finished and said that in today's hockey game (to be played later) he was going to definitely "Get a goal. Get an assist, and hit someone right off their skates (really can't do that at his level yet)" Knowing that the hit will cost him 2 minutes in the Sin Bin...I acknowledged him with..."AWESOME! A Gordie Howe Hat Trick. "
Here's what we did:
Mag Bars of various sizes (4 of them) Pulldowns
2 sets x 15 reps
4 way Neck
Face Pulls: 100 reps
Pull ups: 10 sets of THREE reps super set w/
Dips: 10 sets of SIX reps