I enjoy reading and listening to what everyone is thankful for on this holiday.
I love to hear how people feel about family, work, training, and interactions. Success in goal achievements and world records.
I am particularly thankful for my last breath and the next one I get to take.
You see.. my last breath represents ALL the accomplishments and hardships that have molded me into what I am today...right now. I will be the first to admit, RIGHT NOW...I'm "alright". Nothing in the world to complain about.
The NEXT breath that I'm thankful for, represents the thing we call our future, or LIFE.
I'm at a point that I like to learn BIG lessons in small ways. They hurt a lot less, and cause a lot less stress.
BUT...like a roller coaster, if it were to run straight out and back, then it would be quite boring. However, with it's varied speeds and loops and switch backs, we can have not only a very frightening ride at times but an extremely exhilarating one that will be recognized as quite fun in the process.
I often kid with people when I am told..."God bless you..." I often respond..."he has, and I'm heavily favored too".
Life is as good as we choose it to be.
I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.
Eat more than necessary, as I tell the people I train, "I call that JOB SECURITY"
Enjoy your special ways to celebrate.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Pulldown: Various bars
8 sets of 10 reps
C/S Row: 4x10
Blast Strap Row: 100 reps
Dips: 100 reps
Cable Tricep Push down: 4x15
Cable Rope Tricep Push down: 4x15
Curls: 4x8
Reverse Curl: 4x8