Well training was pretty damn minimal this week. With all the travel, work, and filming I was struggling to get some good training in. Lack of sleep really hits me hard and I was struggling with this all week on top of that and after the first couple days realized I essentially wasn't going to get much to any training in. What you see in the following video is pretty much it. I had some big lifts but not many of them.
On the bright side you will be seeing a ton of new content over the next month!
Deadlift Tutorial Video @ Supertraining
Bench tutorial Video @ Supertraining
Kelly Starrett Interviews about the future of strength coach and clinical practice and where these areas collide
And tons of new content for WWW.Kabuk.MS
Lifts this week
855x6 Deadlift on Wagon Wheels
225x58 Reverse Grip Bench followed by
340x20 Reverse Grip Bench
625x2 no Hands front squat