The weight room is a microcosm of sport, and sports are a microcosm of society.
WHAT? Is Harry going off on another mind trip?
Not really. Think about it. What I see in an athlete in the weight room tends to transfer over into the sport the athlete is about to play.
If I see a hard work ethic in my gym, then I will see a hard work ethic on the field or ice.
If I see a person go into a depressed state after a missed lift, then I know that person has a hard time recovering from a mental mistake made during a contest.
Let's look at the bigger picture...In sports, we have all the same attributes of a successful or nonsuccessful person.
Those that work hard are the same ones that will work hard in life. The harder your work, the luckier you get, right?
"Teamwork makes the dream work", those that work for the benefit of the team while losing "self" will do that in the business world as well.
DISCIPLINE!!! Heck, I can go on a three-hour seminar about being DISCIPLINED!!!
Sacrifice? Yes, those that sacrifice themselves on the field of battle will have that same attribute carry over into their "real" life.
I could go on and on, but it all can be found back in the weight room where we begin to prep those folks for the field or ice of play.
I've heard just about every excuse why a person hasn't made any progress. Then I look at them and how they conduct themselves in school or work, or even with relationships and I find that they STILL make excuses.
You can either make excuses OR you can make progress, but you can't do both.
I find people "short-cutting" workouts. Guess what? They try to short-cut EVERYTHING because instead of looking for a successful end result, they'd prefer to cheat the process. Wonder why 20% of the population controls 80% of it?
Because that 20% are willing to do 80% of the work to succeed.
Guess what? 80% of your effort in the gym will normally result in 20% of your progress, but those that are disciplined will succeed. Just like the 20% that carry 80% of the TEAM.
So the behavior I see and the progressions I witness normally tell me who will be successful in their sport and THAT tells me who will be successful in LIFE!
Today's Training:
Cycle: Commute; 28 mins.
Prowler: 10x80 yds. Lighter Prowler weight in order to move it faster and less rest intervals
Dynamic Bench: 10x3
Dynamic OHP: 10x3
DB Fly: 2x50
DB Lateral Raise: 2x50
Push-ups: 165 in as few sets as possible
Shrugs: 4x8x525
Cycle: 26 mins