I tell my family often, "you either make a decision or one will be made for you."
You get up every day and have to make a life-changing decision, "Are you getting out of bed to be mediocre?" If so, you might as well stay right where you are.
On the other hand, if you choose to be EXCELLENT, you have to make every action you perform justifiable to that decision.
Notice I said, ACTION? You have to ACT and not wish, think about, or feel about...YOU MUST DO IT! Otherwise, if you don't make the decision and act upon it, someone else will make a decision for you, as in what you do, how you do it, and worse how you think.
You have every opportunity to write your story at the beginning of each day. Don't let anyone else do it for you...
Today's Training:
*Run: Sprints; 7x100
*Cycle: Commute; 26 mins
DB Floor Press: Work up to a 6 Rep Max
- Then cut the max weight by 50% and do 100 reps in as few sets as possible.
DB Fly: 4x15
Push-ups: 125 reps
DB Supine Tricep Ext: 4x15
Dips: 4x15
*Cycle: Commute; 27 mins