Wed 45mins stepmill, Saturday 30 mins stepmill, Monday 45 mins stepmill
9/17 3 laps prowler
9/18 Pulldowns 10x10
bandpullaparts 10x10
band hammer curls to face 5x10
Assisted pullup machine 10x10
Strive incline press with bands,monster mini, light and average. Managed to get a plate on there too for 10x5, 3 drop sets to failure
Dips 3 or 4 sets to failure
Reverse hypers 3x12
Deadlifts sumo this time hook grip on regular texas power bar. worked up to 585x2, tried 675x0but nothin doin', back down to 585x2. Was hoping for a better day on the hook on the 675 but was also out of position and basically almost sharted. For sumo, it was ok today since I have not done sumo in months. Also, used belt up higher this time and felt like I sorta had it right as nothing was pinched or rippey doing these. Back is smoked now though.
Leeman rdls(these suck really bad and only managed 275x10x4) Will have to build up on them.
Reverse hypers 2x15