A difficult update: Most of you know that I have previously received two kidney transplants as a result of a genetic disease that I was born with FSGS (Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis). The last couple months have been a very trying time in regards to the health of my current kidney function. I have been in and out of the hospital twice over the past 5 weeks working with an amazing team of doctors.
They have tried everything they can think of to get my kidney to function again.
Unfortunately the medicines and treatment has not worked and I have entered in to kidney rejection.
This has been a tough pill to swallow for myself and my family. We have shed many tears over the past month. We are beyond grateful for the numerous messages, calls and visits. It has made this tough time bearable for myself, my beautiful wife and my family.
Since learning this news I have been asked the question “what can I do for you?” a lot. That’s tough to have an answer to but, is in part, why I have been encouraged to share my story.
Organ donation is the gift of life. It’s a big deal to both the person who receives an organ and also the person who donates it. I am determined to keep living. To fight. To be there with my wife while we grow old together. To inspire others to keep fighting, even when the odds are against them.
And so knowing that, I will ask you. I will ask that if you have ever considered organ donation before, I would be forever grateful if you considered it now. And if not, that’s okay too. Maybe you would do me one favor though and share my story.
I believe in the power of connecting people. Even if you are not in a position to be a donor, maybe sharing my story will reach someone who would consider it.
A link to Ohio State’s pre-transplant office is HERE. They will give you all the direction that you need. Please message me or my wife @drdev_dpt with any questions as well.
From another one of Luke's posts: I'm happy to finally be able to share with everyone that this will be the cover for the incredible documentary of Westside vs. The World from @westsidefilm. I am truly honored and humbled by this. There are so many more legends that have walked through those doors more deserving than me. This movie is worth the wait. Michael Fahey poured his heart out into making this movie. I hope everyone enjoys it as much as the past, present , and future westsiders do. Watching this reminds me of how my dreams all began in this sport. .
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As an Alumni of WSBB and one who gave myheart, blood, sweat, soul, bones, tendons and damn near my lift to do my part, there is nobody else I feel is as worthy of the cover of this than Luke. This man has been to hell and back several times... and will do it again.
With Respect,
- Dave Tate