Key points to remember when maxing the bench:
GRIP the bar with a death chokehold
Drive the shoulder blades into your back pocket while gripping the bench with them. (Retraction and Depression)
Grind the weight AGGRESSIVELY.
Big weight requires big aggression
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Bench: 3 Board Press
Work up to a PRE of 8-9 for a single rep
Cross Body Single Arm Tricep Ext:
Warm-up: 2x10
Work Sets: 3x15
OHP: 3x6 as a warm-up
Then work up to a set of a heavy five reps
Shrugs: 5x8x425
Bike Commute: 33 minutes (it was pouring rain from the time I left the gym until I got home. As soon as I put my Gortex into the dryer, the sun popped out... : )
AirDyne Sprints: 12x10x50