I don’t write about my own training all that much anymore (although if you’re interested, please let me know in the comments below, and I’ll pick back up). For the most part, I think reading a workout recap is pretty boring — even if it’s your own training! — but every once in a while, it’s worth checking in on your progress.
I’m exactly halfway between meets right now, having competed at the US Open in May and getting geared up for the Tribute at the end of August, so it’s the perfect time to check in with myself. And honestly, I think this has been my most productive “offseason” ever. Over the past seven weeks, I’ve:
- Fixed my recurring hook grip problems by switching to mixed grip
- Cleaned up my bench press technique by following Dave Tate’s advice
- Given my body a rest from the pounding of near-max weights
- Maintained at or near all-time personal best strength on all three lifts
- Had a ton of fun
I can’t ask for anything more than that! But I can start planning for the next phase: meet prep. I’ve written a lot before about about meet prep, and how mentally and physically stressful it can be. Here are the seven things I think it’s important to reflect on before jumping in, and how well I’ve done myself.
Have I stayed healthy? Obviously, “healthy” is relative. As a professional powerlifter, I know I’m gonna feel a little bit achy, and that’s just part of the game. This offseason, I’ve dealt with a minor pec scare, some recurring shoulder tendinitis, and a bruised hip. None of those are anywhere close to actual injuries — they’re minor annoyances, and ones I’ve dealt with before. So I’m 100% confident that I’m healthy enough to push myself to my absolute limits (not that I will be in this prep).
Am I confident in reaching my goals for this meet? Honestly, my number-one goal for this one is to smash some fucking weight and have a ton of fun doing it, so yeah, I’m gonna hit my goals! I have a few numbers I’d like to hit, of course, and I feel extraordinarily confident in those as well.
Do I have a solid plan? As a coach, I’m always my own first guinea pig for programs that I then use with my athletes or share on my website. I’m honestly really excited about the method I’ve put together for the Tribute. Over the past seven weeks, every single number has been on point, and my training progress reflects that. I have two other elite lifters running something very similar, and they’re also making killer progress, so I think this might be something special.
What does my stress level look like? Stress is always an issue for lifters. Leading up to my last prep, for the US Open, I was the most stressed I’d been in years, and I felt so totally overwhelmed with my school shit that my training suffered big time. This prep, my fiancée and I agreed that we’d schedule no travel for the last month beforehand; I’ve cleared my plate of all major obligations (like dissertations!); and I’ve promised myself to set aside some “me time” every week. In short, I’m feeling awesome.
Am I excited to smash some weights? FUCK YES I AM!
Again, I know this wasn’t the traditional recap, but I think the format might be a little more helpful and interesting than just writing down a bunch of sets and reps and weights. I’d really appreciate it if you let me know whether you enjoyed this article — and what you would like to see more, and see less of, from me in the future.