Recent comps: May 7, 2016 RPS Mid-Atlantic Powerlifting - Raw 132, Pro total June 12, 2015 NPC Junior Nationals - Women's Physique Scott Paltos has been doing my programming since March 2015 for both powerlifting and physique. The off-season was programmed to add more size and work my technique on my raw lifts. Then slowly transitioned to raw powerlifting meet prep for May. As of right now, tentative physique show planned for September... #creatingamonster.
Another week down. Some minor diet adjustments made and the added cardio is catching up. Waking up leaner for sure. Skin is still a little watery, but that will come off.
I'm also hosting a wildlife reserve in my backyard. Not really on purpose though. For some reason there are a countless number of raccoons, opossums, groundhogs and stray cats. I rescued (well, really my friend Allyson rescued, I just found) two baby kittens in the past 2 years. But since April, I've caught 1 groundhog, 2 raccoons, and 2 opossums. There is one wretched groundhog left that I am determined to now just chase down the street and accidentally knock it's skull with a rock. He's a hefty one.
Last week's training started off with legs, of course, on Saturday. Another good day. Another solid week
A1. Leg extensions 3x25
A2. Hamstring curls 3x20
B. Leg press 5x25 drop set last
C1. Hack squat wide 4 sets
C2. Hack squat close 4 sets
D. Stiff Db deads (1.5's) 4 sets
E. Leg press 2x50
F. Pulsed lunges 3x25ea
A. Hammer strength 4x12
B. Lat pull downs 5xswole
C. Supinated pull downs 3x12 w/ rest pauses
D. Rope face pulls to chest 3x20
E. Db rack attack curls 2 sets
F. Db incline curls 3sets
A. Seated Db Arnold's x25-20-15-10-10-10
B. Machine laterals 4x12 w/ rest pauses
C. Machine shoulder press 4x20
D. Seated rope pulls to face 4 sets w/ drop set
E. Upright rows 4 sets w/ rest pause
F. Db laterals rack attack x2 sets
A. Lat pull downs wide 5x10 w/ rest pauses
B. Rope Low rows 4x6 w/ holds
C. Chest supported rows x12-10-8-15-15 w/ drop sets
D. Rope straight arm pulldowns 4xswole
E. Rear pec deck 4x15 w/ drops
HIIT Ropes 20on 20off - 10mins
A1. Straight bar curls 6x12
A2. Close grip bench 6x12
B1. Preacher curls 5x15
B2. Ez bar pushdowns 5x15
C1. Reverse Ez bar curls 4x20
C2. Rope pushdowns 4x20
D1. Single arm concentration curls
D2. Single arm rope kickbacks
E. Abs 10mins
Friday- HIIT Battling Ropes x50 Prowler push Repeat 7 times