I was talking about "what things influence a young athlete's journey to their sport's respective professional level" or in many instances just the very NEXT level with a few parents today that have kids in sports and are quite active.
Understand, there are many parents that believe their child is the next Wayne Gretzky, Michael Jordan, LT, Muhammed Ali, and have their own opinions to which I say...Get over yourself, little Johnny is playing for the after game donut for quite a few more years. No matter how much you project yourself through your kid (and by the way? That's not fair to your kid). And, you have this one kid and that vested interest in his/her success...I've seen MORE!
Since I've coached at every level from Professional on down to PeeWee and Mini Mights and with the varied background of MANY sports my top three determinations are in order.
1. DNA
What ever the mother and father contributed to the child is PARAMOUNT to the given sport that the kid decides. April, My wife is 5'1" (she's says two) and on a GOOD day I'm 5'6" (but listed on the program at 5'9 and I think I'm 6'4") Hunter, our son will NEVER play organized basketball. A sport that he enjoys immensely. He is not going to have that height gift.
What he will get is two mesomorph body types that will contribute to his overall body composition, strength and power gains, and SPEED...Glorious Elenor Roosevelt sexy SPEED!
2. Socioeconomic compatibility:
Hunter plays Hockey. Hockey is a VERY expensive sport. My wife and I make a decent living which affords us to buy Hunter his entrance fee for the year on a team. Equipment, ice time, private skate lessons, travel, extra training...goodness knows what his Strength and Conditioning Coach would cost us.
A kid from a stressed family economy is NOT likely to being lacing up skates in the locker room. However, a basketball and a community park and a good pair of Air Jordans and this kid is GOOD TO GO!
I'm not debating that there are exceptions to these two factors, BUT the likely hood or probability strongly suggest that I am correct.
3. Lastly it is what is inside the KID! There are tell tale signs that I have noticed over 40 years that are apparent to the ones that "GOT IT".
This is the kid that doesn't need to be told to get ready for practice. He/She already is. Bags were pact the night before.
This is the kid that when not participating in the sport(s) he/she is prep for it. Goes to the gym and is working out (my son started at age appropriate exercises at five). When not participating in or prepping for, he/she is WATCHING it on the internet or T.V.
This is the kid that can't be satisfied with one practice. This is the kid that LOVES practice and thinks the game is how you show off your skills.
This is the kid that isn't giving his parents a hard time about going to bed, waking up, doing homework, eating healthy and clean and getting homework done without asking.
This is the kid that doesn't waste much time playing Fortnight, Over Watch, or any of the many "On Line Games"
This is the kid that READS book!
Again, there are exceptions to every rule, but this is what I've seen over the years that makes the kid that has "IT" more visible.
Not all will make it doing all the right things either. But here is the bottom line...I would rather watch a person with a burning desire, giving it their ALL and chase a dream that is worthwhile, than see a nursed and burped entitled spoiled child waste away.
Turn off Fortnight kid...it doesn't help your sport skills!
Today's Training:
5K run (early)
Pull ups/Chin Ups: 200 reps
Dips: 400 reps
Bike Commute: 23 minutes
AirDyne Bike: 20 minutes