Distractions. "Hey Coach, what are we listening to?" "I need to text my friends mom's sister, who has a kid in Canada that called his brother's monkey's uncle", and fucking ear buds, headphones or the music being played at 11.
Contrary to what you are going to say...YOU DON'T NEED any of them when you are training. They are distractions. If I have to yell or repeat myself as a coach while your "jam" is blasting, then you don't get my coaching! Simple. I am not going to compete with that nonsense.
I will either forgo the instruction totally, or I will change what I had just told you.
"But Coach"...I don't give a shit! If you have so little respect for me that you aren't going to pay attention to the coaching, then you deserve what you get!
Turn that shit off!
Get that I'm a bit pissed? Yep..I am!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 25 mins.
Bench: 6RM; PRE=7
Push Ups: 100 reps
DB Floor Press: 5x12
Dips: 100 reps
Band Tricep Pushdown: 100 reps
Bike Commute: 26 mins