Today our lifters hit a heavy upper body training session. Floor press was the main lift. BB incline followed this along with some back and accessory movements to compliment the lift. We have been having some lifters responding very well to what we are doing. We are closing in on the end of our cycle and are close to our first team meet in Ohio for some and the others rolling April.
I hit somebackwards lunges and deadlifts off 2mats. Finished up with some ab work before my lunchtime class came in. Had a great week so far with more clients and gym members every week. Nothing against the 24hr gyms in the area but we have a diff model where you can get down and Train your ass off. We also have unique equipment you won't find in other gyms. We have a company doing a social media commercial that should be ready within the next few days, excited to see this and how it will benefit the facility.
Heading off to dinner with the family here in a few then back home for some more rest. Tomorow is a light day with just (2) classes then not much until Sunday when my son has his wrestling tourney.