This was a glorious week of very average training. I couldn't be happier with my progress. I'm sticking to my plan for my Main Work and it's definitely paying off.
Early in the week I felt like a bag of smashed assholes so I just did a little walking on Monday and Tuesday.
- SSB Box Squat: 205/225/245/265x5
- Dip Bar Push-ups: 5x10
- SSB FSL: 5x5@225
- KB Row: 5x10
- Shrugs/Neck/Prayer Press: 3x15/2x20/5x10
- 10 Stadiums
- FBB Bench: 95/115/125/135/145x5
- FBB Incline FSL: 5x5@115
- Pull-ups: 10x5
- Neck/DB Curls/Pushdowns: 2x25/3x15/2x20
- 1/4 Mile Farmer's Carry w/135
- Trap Bar: 230/250/280/310x5
- Dip Bar Push-ups: 5x10 (changed my hand position on each set)
- Trap Bar FSL: 5x5@250
- Hammer Row: 5x10
- FBB Curl & Press (unloaded): 5x10
Good week. Didn't feel good early, got y shit together and finished it well. Taking the extra 2 days off definitely helped. I was able to basically stay on track and finish this cycle when I was supposed to, but I made how I was feeling work for me.
Saturday I tried a bunch of different angled pressing. Our benches have 6 options (flat, 1-4 inclines and 5 is overhead). I know I can load the flat and inclines 1 and 2. With an unloaded FBB I can do the other 3, which I couldn't do a month or so ago when I tried last. So, progress is slow, but it's happening.
Next week I'll start my Volume Cycle. FSL work will change to BBS and I'll do all of my assistance work with a BB or DB unless I'm feeling badly. If that's the case, I'll use some bodyweight movements. I mentioned in a previous post that I've been good about hurdle-unders. I'll keep these up because they feel good and I think it's helping.
The next thing I really need to dial in is my conditioning. I'm doing it, but it's not as consistent as I want it to be.
Everything is moving forward and overall, I'm feeling good.