So I came home from World's Strongest Man and began to think about what I needed to do in training to keep progressing. For starters, I need to stay healthy. That really is the main thing for me but it is the main thing for everyone. What beyond that though?
1) I need to get my body healed up. My back has been hurting badly for a year and if I don't get to work on it now, it is going to hurt me the next time that I have to push it for a show.
2) I need more muscular size all over my body. This will not only make it easier to hold onto bodyweight when I have a sickness "flare" but it should help me to move weight when I need to.
My basic training program outline isn't greatly flawed, it just needs to be adapted to accept these two flaws in where I'm at right now, so that left me doing some sets of 10 on box squats with bands. I came home on Week 1 and did 2 sets of 10 with 2 plates per side and a set of heavy bands and I got really sore and almost died I was out of breath. The next week I did 3 sets, then 4, and here I did 5 sets of 10.
Was I sore? Yes...about 1 week later I'm still sore but my bodyweight is up and I'm getting that butt that "just won't quit" so that has to count for something positive.
Was my back in pain? No. Freaking no it wasn't and I attribute this to not stressing my spine with a heavy load, switching to The OBB Handles "For His Pleasure", and continuing to do more bodybuilding work after my core lifts.
I don't know how far I'll ride these sets of 10 but right now I'm making relatively pain free progress and...that butt that "just won't quit".