Old enough to know better...but all it takes is me throwing out a stupid challenge to The Guys and they are not going to back down. When there are three of you in a room you can always assure yourself that at least one of them will agree to do whatever "stupid" that you have decided needs to be done. One of them may say "You know, this probably isn't safe" but chances are good that the other one will say "Sure, I mean if you are going to do it then..."
In my defense I said that this was a bad idea after we used the 10 KG Med Ball and the 100 lb Cerberus Sand Bag but I also said that I really wanted to use The Anvil. About 60 seconds later The Anvil was sitting in front of the SS Yoke Bar and I was up first.
Roughly 173 lbs and after Box Squats, Hatfields Squats, and probably a lot of crap talking...it was in my hand and one of the more stupider things that I've done in a long time!
Try it!!!!