I was riding my bike this morning when a guy passes me on the left and then makes a right turn into the parking lot when "WHAM~" I hit his right rear quarter panel.
The driver got out ever so slowly to see what damage was done.
You know when sometimes you get so stressed that everything seems kind of funny?
Well, yea, I couldn't believe it, but this guy was a dwarf and I started to chuckle!!!
He then STORMS over to me as I got up and stood there looking down on him when he says..."I am NOT HAPPY"
So between snickers, I replied with, "well then...which one are you?"
And THAT'S how the fight started!!!
Today's Training:
AirDyne: 30 mins
Prowler: 12x120 yards
Sprint: 12x60@75%
Pin Pull from just below the knee: 2 Rep Max
GHR: 3x10x10
Reverse Hyper: 3x10
Ab Wheel: 3x10
Bike Commute: 30 mins