I shot this video in 2012 and I did have to go "underground" for a while after making it. Let's just say that I wasn't on "The Good List" with EliteFTS and I might have been on "The No Fly List" as well.
In 2013 I met Jason Pegg, but there was no Harry Selkow or Jim Wendler around...and supposedly Jason Pegg drove 45 minutes each way to visit me and Jim Wendler was within a stone's throw (short car ride in Powerlifting terms) away from my hotel and was nowhere to be found.
So when I arrived at EliteFTS on Friday before The Powerlifting Experience I was both excited and CAUTIOUS when I met Harry Selkow. I must admit I was pretty sure he was going to shake my hand with his right hand and then implant me with some sort of tracking mind control device with his left hand. I'm not saying that he didn't put a mind control device implant in my arm but he has been sending me subliminal messages to "Move to California" and has been mentioning taking me to some Raiders games. I'm highly suspicious.
On Saturday I was running around The Compound with my camera when EliteFTS Education Director Mark Watts grabbed me and said "Clint, come here. There is someone I want you to meet." and then took me to meet "Jim Wendler". I must say that after a good bit of conversation he is actually a really nice guy. Interestingly funny, very straight forward, and extremely humble. I really didn't expect him to have any idea who I was but he obviously did. I left the conversation actually excited to meet him again and he told me that I needed to come by his house sometime soon and hang out...and he meant it. I'll also say that he has reached out (and poked fun of me) since I've left. Very genuine guy.
Now, some 2 weeks later I'm reflecting on the experience of "Meeting Jim Wendler". I took several hundred photos over that weekend with well over 100 people in that room and not a single one shows both Jim Wendler and Harry Selkow in the same frame. I can't remember seeing both of them at the same time. Jim gets a lot of attention in any room both because he is a sharp dresser and because everyone likes to mumble "Hey, isn't that Jim Wender" non stop AND Harry Selkow is so uniquely loud that you can't miss him in ANY room...and I can't remember seeing both of them at the same time at ANY point! And, of course, Jason Pegg was nowhere around!
You may think that I'm 100% crazy but the plot stands on it's own. Conspiracy Theory or not...I'm looking over my shoulder (OK, I'm too beat up to actually look over my shoulder but I can shuffle in a small circle) till I'm safely back in my bed in Cyprus. I've been "invited" to come back to EliteFTS in August (for a "seminar") so if I disappear or move to anyplace exotic like Ohio or Texas...YOU WILL KNOW WHY!
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