Knee wraps are like sex. Self wrapping with a stretchy wrap is like vanilla missionary. Everybody might enjoy it but there's no spice; no FEAR. And fear is exciting.
A medium wrap with a knee wrapper, which is where most of you line up with at your meets is still PRETTY vanilla but a little bit harsher. Somebody might get called a slut, somebody might get spit on, choked, and slapped around a little bit. It'll leave you a little banged up and bruised, but you can walk away relatively unscathed.
NOW needing a crew to wrap you, or paying a professional wrapper to come to your meet and use a heavy wrap like the 3m Kraits; that's when you start looking up videos on liveleak rather than pornhub. That's when you might end up locked in a closet screaming "banana slug" over and over because shit just got a little too real. You might have blood coming from multiple orifices, you might black out, and you're almost guaranteed to piss yourself. BUT this is pretty much what's necessary to get you a 900lb+ squat, even if it leaves you walking like you forgot to use the right amount of lube the night before. These wraps are the ones of legend. The nights you don't regret, but thank god only happen when certain people are in town or you really pissed that certain person off.
You can't rely on those heavy wraps all the time because if you do, once you go back to vanilla missionary you might not be able to "get UPPPPPPPP and BACKKKKKKKKK" and nobody wants to miss in the hole.