Two days after Terry showed up to do some Easter Squats we all agreed to our own individual plans. Terry said he needed to Press Something and Deadlift Something, the other guys needed to Press something, and I needed to Squat something and Deadlift Something.
Terry and the guys began the day off with some log pressing and I do believe Terry said it was the first time he had pressed a log since August. He finished off with some easy reps with 150/330 (basically strict) and I ended up working with some good old fashioned Box Squats with bands! I began getting out the deadlift bar (Eleiko Weightlifting Bar for my gym) and everyone scattered except for Terry. Chris had deadlifted a few days prior and Terry's buddy began mumbling something about his back so Terry began calling them both names as I brought out the Nose Torque.
Saying this first, Terry's plan was JUST to press and pull something, not something hard, not to be competitive, absolutely not to get injured...but simply to press and pull something. He knows that I'm competitive (I'm assuming that most of his friends are the same) so he kept putting a plate on bar, pulling it, then looking at me. He pulled 615 and said the bar felt heavy and something felt off so after I pulled it I immediately loaded another plate per side making it 320 kg (705 lbs). I didn't have to say anything but within a couple minutes I was sitting by the heater trying to stay warm and he was outside trying to cool off before his set.
He walked up and pulled it very pedestrian like. He left the nose torque next to the chalk, bar loaded, and ACDC playing. So what was I supposed to do? Say "no thanks, I pulled a max pull a couple days ago" and walk away? Heck no! He left it all set up for a reason!
So I pulled it and we all walked away unscathed!
At one point I did tell him that if he left the door open I would beat him and then I'd brag about it for the rest of my life but I simply couldn't do it. He is just one of those guys that I want to beat but I KNOW that he is a near 1,000 lb deadlifter (he has pulled 445 kg from the floor before) and was being polite to me in my own gym, while not getting an injury 4 weeks out from World's Strongest Man. That and I didn't want to take a chance on falling over and missing a rep in front of everyone either 🙂