If you know me, I am not a huge fan of supplements. Every few months I fall prey to the newest latest super testo magnum pro booster plus and I run through 1/4 of a jar before determining that it does freaking nothing. I use protein powder in spurts but even the most expensive super duper hydro whey with enzymes sends me straight to Nauseaville approximately 80% of the time. And when it doesn't send me straight there it eats into my appetite so much that I can't eat a real meal for 6-8 hours afterwards.
I like to train for long periods of time in the gym because I work a lot of hours and I'm responsible for my two sons, and they keep me pretty busy. I'm torn between training for Strongman, Powerlifting, and Weightlifting so I do all three each week and my body just simply can't get in the nutrients needed each and every day to recover enough for the next training session or even the one after that.
A few years ago a local supplement store sponsored me and that was awesome. Freaking saved me every single time that I went in to buy the newest super hydro testo pro pump 454 booster. After almost giving up completely on supplements I started breaking down my nutritional needs and seeing what I could do to use supplements that don't kill me to help me get them in.
IMPORTANT: I do not favor one brand over another. I'm using this brand of products because this company supports me, they are extremely affordable, and they are both simple and efficient. My sponsorship is 80 Euros (Dollars) per month and this covers it nicely. I have no reason to believe that you can't find similar products by other companies that will do the same thing. Just keep it simple (unless you can afford complex, then get The Ferrari of Supplement Lines).
Pre-Workout MEAL: Keep in mind that I've just eaten then drove to the gym. Every pre-workout meal contains a meat, a complex carb, some type of vegetable, a large avocado, and a sugar loaded can of soft drink. Then I drive to the gym.
Pre-Workout: While waiting for the gym to warm up and while I'm setting up my camera I will consume a pre-workout drink that contains caffeine and little to no carbs. Why little carbs? I used to consume 100-200g carbs with my pre-workout drink and I think that it kept the caffeine from hitting me near as fast. Often time I felt that it didn't kick in till I was almost done training.
BCAA: 10 G
Essential Amino Acids: contains another 4g BCAA, 5g Glutamine, some other magical ingredients that I don't know
Carb Powder: currently this is 25-30g Vitargo with electrolytes.
1 Omega 3 Gel Capsule: 1,000 mg
During Training: Every single hour that I train (I set an alarm on my phone) or after every core exercise I will again consume:
1 Scoop EAA
30 G Carb Powder (Vitargo)
1 Omega 3 Capsule
On Powerlifting and Weightlifting sessions this might mean that I consume a pre dose and only one or maybe two mid training doses but on Strongman Sundays I might be AT the gym for 5 hours, so it adds up!
Post Training: Immediately I will consume:
1 Scoop EAA
15-30 G Carb Powder
1 Omega 3 Capsule
On the drive home I will once again consume the exact same thing except that my Carb Powder will be 30-60 G instead of 15-30 G.
So how does all of this add up? Well on Strongman Sundays it means that on a 5 hour training session I will have consumed:
70-80 G BCAA
6-7 Scoops EAA (gives me 30-40 G Glutamine and 20-30G BCAA)
240 G Carbs
7-8 Omega 3 Capsules
Yes, I know that BCAA's are incomplete proteins and that they don't replace real food or protein powder and neither does glutamine BUT I can tell you that my recovery has been insane over the last 6 weeks that I have been doing this. I've also bought much less super pump pepto pro testo giant super charge 65 as well.
We also eat a lot of bananas in our house...