My world has been turned a bit upside down. I was really not able to train at all this week. I have always said that my hypocrisy knows no bounds, and it applies more than ever right now. I used to think you could always find a few minutes to train, well, sometimes you can't, or you can't find it within yourself.
I did try to get a little work in, but every time it left me feeling a lot worse. I had been making progress on my thrashed back and hips, but with my stress levels, everything I seemed to do made them worse. Right now I'm just hoping to get some stretching and some walking in. With the role I'm playing in my family right now, I can't afford to be hobbling around in pain. That would be too selfish.
I know I will get back to training, but I don't know when and I'm not putting pressure on myself with so much going on. I certainly want to keep my blog, but don't think putting a sob story out each week is what people want. Instead, I will try and take a few minutes a week to put some coaching info out. Thanks for reading and always try to remain positive.
We met a couple of weeks ago when you were at the S5 Compound to film your "I am..." video, which turned out great, by the way. I was the one asking all the tough questions (that really weren't all that tough).
Just wanted to say hang in there as best as you can, and that hey, if you need to write about what you're calling a "sob story" to encourage you to do that. You might find others are dealing with similar things and it might allow others to help you, just as you like to help other people.
It might be therapeutic; it might not be. You know what's best for you.
In the meantime, don't be afraid to reach out to any of us here if you need anything. Seriously. Life happens, and sometimes it sucks, but it's a bit more bearable when there are people who support you and are there for you.