I'm labelling my weeks, but I may not actually do that percentage based on my mood. I'm giving myself a bunch of options for my Main Lift.
- Original 5/3/1
- 5's Pro
- 3's Pro
- PR Sets
- Boring But Big
- Boring But Strong
Whatever tickles my fancy that day is what I'll do. The Original, 5's Pro, 3's Pro and PR Sets are all linked to my Training Max. FSL, BBB and BBS are numbers that I chose based on my Training Max, but they don't actually fall into the "proper" percentages. I just picked some numbers. Meaning, when I choose FSL, BBB or BBS it'll always be the same weight regardless of the week I'm in.
- FBB Press (FSL): 5x5@95
- Metabolic Circuit w/Weight Vest - 5 rounds
- Push-ups: 35 total
- Pull-ups: 25 total
- SSB GM's: 75 total
Finished with Curls and Shrugs.
I chose FSL for the Press today because I just wanted to get some reps in and not worry about the weight. The road to developing any kind of shoulder strength is going to be a long one for me. No need to get greedy.
- SSB Box Squat: 205x5/230x5/255x10
- Metabolic Circuit w/Weight Vest
- Push-ups: 5x10
- KB Row: 5x15
- RDL: 5x10
Finished with Pushdowns and DB Kirk Rows.
- Hypertrophy Circuit
- 2x10 warm-up sets for each exercise
- Minimum 50 reps (includes warm-ups)
- FBB Incline (1): 13/10/9
- Hammer Row (wide-grip): 15/10/10
- Kirk Rows/Neck Harness: 2x25 each
- Weight Vest Squat: 2x25
- FBB Curl (various grips): 5x10
After I finish typing this I'll get a walk in and call it a day.
Good week of training. My vacation didn't interrupt my rhythm.
The weight vest is a good addition. I can tell it'll help my abs. Dropping Squat and Deadlift as Main Lifts in one week and adding in Assistance exercises for the lower body is a good decision. I'm full of good ideas.
Not sure if I mentioned this, but about 3 weeks ago I was tipping the scales around 291. Way too big for my heart. I stepped on the scale before I started lifting today and was pleasantly surprised with 272. Staying between 265 and 270 will be something I keep an eye on.