Eccentrics in the purest sense for this was to lengthen the major muscles in each of the movements below.
HOLDING the position until fatigue cut away the static hold. This required concentration and toughness, because... although you held a position, you couldn't "leg go". Had to fight all the way until the joint terminated.
The third rep in each set should be a shit show, if the first and second one's were done properly.
C/S Row: 2x3x140 >20 second decent
Wide neutral grip Pull up: 2x3x235 (Body Weight + 25 pound vest)
Dip: 2x3x235
Chins: 2x3x235
Cable Triceps: 2x3x200
Axel bar Curl: 2x3x110
This session was over in 36 total reps