Over the past few months, I have seen escalating comments and threads about how online coaching - training is killing Powerlifting and Bodybuilding. To be transparent I can't disagree with many of the points that have been presented and even more that have not. I am currently working on an article that covers the Pros and Con's of services like these, but that's not the point of this post.
One thing I wanted to toss out is for these services to exist there has to be a market for them. This growing market wasn't created by those offering the service but by people asking others if they offered it. When looking at the Pros and Cons, you have also to look at the root reason why the "problem" exists. You also need to understand when there is a "problem" there will always be a market and business in solving that "problem." Online training - coaching, at its root, is helping to address a problem that exists in within the industry.
There are many reasons why this "problems" exists, and I will not list them all, but call upon one. Have you read, listened or watched the content that exists today around helping lifters? Elitefts is in the media business - funded by the sales of our products - Thank God! Part of my job is knowing what other media sources offer, who is the most attractive and what quality is being put out. I can tell you right now the most popular and highest ranked content sucks. Today I read what was perhaps the worst article I have ever seen on Powerlifting, and it was in the top 5 as far as search traffic, shares and views. When I say this sucked - it sucked, and nobody with a clue about Powerlifting would disagree. It was full of misinformation and the images displayed the worst form in the world.
It has become the standard for media outlets to turn to pay per click ads and click-bait content because they are no longer receiving the subscription and ad revenue they used to get. Newspapers and Magazines are becoming the way of the past killing off the subscription model. The old advertising methods no longer work because it's not that hard for a business to track the return of any advertising - especially online. In an attempt to survive these outlets have tossed quality out the window in exchange for what will bring traffic and clicks. What is left is a ton of shit articles where you have to click nine times to go from one paragraph to the next.
NOTE: I do think this will change soon because search engines do not want shit content to become the highest search result. Many businesses still do not understand how to see the ROI with their online ad strategy and in time they will see they are getting screwed and start to pull ad revenue back, again putting more pressure on search engines to promote higher quality first.
The sites that do post quality content like elitefts and currently harder for lifters to find and elitefts carries a decent traffic rank. There is only a handful that does publish quality content with a higher rank than elitefts. Most sites and blogs of content are listed so low that unless you know the person or someone happens to tell you about them, will never be seen or read. Elitefts is fortunate because we do have product sales to support content generation and publication because it's not free or cheap. The reason you do not see us at trade shows or with a ton of online ads is that we put so much into our content - this has been our strategy since the beginning of the site. We're in the business of helping other people become stronger. We do this through the sales of quality products and services we know will do just that. Hence, we don't have to rely on ad revenue and can publish material we know will drive that mission.
To cut to the chase. Quality content is now hard to find leaving the most popular, highest ranked and easiest to find - shit content - this is one reason why we are seeing the increased need for online coaching and trainers. These lifters are looking for help, and this is how they are finding it.
Is this the best help for them in the long run? There are Pros and Cons best left from another post.
What I propose is a literary slap in the face.
Follow me...
This is how I go about the content I personally write and produce. There are many things I would love to rant and bitch about, other things I want to write about and finally something I would like to learn more about but before any of this I have to ask, where will my time best help the readers and industry?
I wonder how much more the industry could be serviced if those who bitch about the issue would post one educational post for every post they complain about something? If those who feel they are too good to post their "secrets" for free would just post some ideas and concepts to help others. If you think online training is killing the sports you love I can tell you right now, bitching about something has never got anything done. Action is the only thing that can create change. If shitty education is part of the void that needs filling, and you care, help fill it.
Don't bother telling me all the excuses, such as...
The problem is there is too much information, information overload; I don't have the time to post content to help others, I don't have the time to write, if I write something I better get paid big because some online trainer will steal my shit. Listen, I have heard it all, and they are all shitty excuses that don't hold any water with me. I have been writing in the industry for over 20 years have seen how this works. I have seen how this has all changed with social media and with the downcast of real journalism.
Think of the internet as a giant gym. If a newbie walks into a gym, they will be looking at two types of people for guidance. The person who has a "look" and/or strength they would like to have and the fitness instructor - trainer. This same thing is happening online. If you happen to fall within one of these sectors (or both) someone is looking at you. If they can't find content you have produced they will move on. Think back to when you were a beginner in the gym. Did you ask the trainer or the person you wanted to be like the first day you saw them?
Didn't think so.
How long did you watch them before you said a word?
Did you ever say a word to just do the same shit they did?
You are being watched right now, are you educating or irritating?
P.S. - I view this like a giant tree full of many roots and branches. This part is only one root of the tree. I will write about this topic more in the future but wanted to get this one piece out while it was on my mind and I had time.
Unfortunately, as you point out, there is a hunger in the marketplace for such bad info. As long as people are seeking externally for that magic fix, there will always be that market that serves them. If they want to really make themselves better, they need to look at themselves FIRST, then it's easier to sort through all the crap out there.....and eventually get the skinny on what they need.
Well said Dave v