Every single doggone time there seems to be a World Record squat, the video will somehow make it's way across The Internet and people start questioning if the referees were even on the facility location during the lift. Then they want to know how to become a referee so that they can get paid to give white lights as well.
As someone who has trained more on video this month than most have in their entire life, I've dealt with the YouTube experts who like to point out that my box squat is a solid four inches high and that I must be smoking something if I think any different. But there may be a few things that you have not taken into consideration like:
1) You really can't judge squats via video
2) You actually can't judge depth from the front
3) SPF judges take all major credit cards
4) IPF judges discriminate much more than SPF judges
5) If they let David Hoff get away with high squats, maybe you should go there and set your State Record