Since I started dropping some chub a bunch of years ago, I have become a much more useful human being. When I was a shw I was good for only one thing, lifting. As Operation Be Less Fat has continued over the years little by little I have gotten into better condition.
Most of my conditioning has been solely accidental. By virtue of being less sloth like I am able to be more active doing things like light hiking, paddleboarding, and skiing. You know, things normal people do. When you are so focused on strength training sometimes there is little room for hobbies and that's if the body is even willing or able.
For the past couple of years I have been doing time on the treadmill. I like the treadmill for two reasons. First, it’s padded and easier on the joints than pavement. The other is, I can catch up on recorded television. Hey I like tv, I’m not one of those people who brags about not having one in the house. I’m easily entertained, simple things for a simple mind. Anyway, my treadmill work has mostly been done to burn calories and for recovery, not so much for conditioning purposes.
The next step in my journey for general bad a$$ery is wanting to “run” an entire 5k. I have intermittently walked and jogged a few which was actually a goal of mine when coming down from 328.5 lbs. I couldn’t walk half a mile back then without stopping, no lie.
Anyway, I figure being able to run will just make me a more functional human being. If a zombie apocalypse happens at least I won’t be the first to be eaten. Plus, with the new bod I need to be able to run away from women when they chase me. It’s a curse.
Rather than take a haphazard approach, the internet makes it really easy for us nowadays. With a quick google search I found what looked to be perfect, The Couch to 5k Program. Unlike a lot of athletes and coaches out there who look for the “Best” program for everything they do, I just latch on to something and work harder.
I am not setting a speed or time goal for myself. I just simply want to run the whole way without stopping or walking. It’s a nine week program. If I find a 5k somewhere close I will do it, otherwise I’ll hit the track. Either way I will meet my goal.
Even though I have no immediate plans for powerlifting I am still setting goals for myself. I find that a lot of people when they finish with their sport, they lose their drive. It's like that part of their lifes is over. Meanwhile I feel like mine is just beginning. There is still much to accomplish. Thanks for taking the ride with me.