Last week's training log, I mentioned some of the GPP stuff we started. Well, our tiny, young, about-to-join-the-national-guard training partner joined us.
Apparently he missed last week's training (our first week of GPP)... something about work or something.
He kept up fairly well through the whole training session.
Leg extensions (the reps with the pauses again) had him shaking... literally.
Then it was time to sprint on the treadmill.
15 seconds on an un-powered treadmill.... get that belt going as fast as you can as you hold on to the handles. Hop off, next person goes.
Sprint #4, our little friend (we will call him Daniel to protect his identity) called out from across the gym as Christian was sprinting....
"LET'S GO (insert a word that I don't want to repeat)!!"
Jaws dropped.... a'ight.
I hop on to do my sprint.
Daniel does his.
Sprint #5, Christian goes, then I go, then Daniel goes. At about the 10 second mark, he hit a brick wall. He could barely keep the belt moving for the last 5 seconds. He stepped off the treadmill looking as white as a ghost.
"I think I'm gonna throw up."
"Yeah, you look pretty white there kid."
As he wandered into the bathroom, the heckling began.
We caught this on video and he remained a gray-ish color for the next 30 minutes.
(Don't worry folks, he's fine now.)
DISCLAIMER: It is never our goal as coaches to make people throw up. That's not how we operate or coach and it's not an indicator of "having a good workout." And if I'm being honest, I'll usually have people stop and slow down if we notice them getting to that point.