Today I had my 9-10am conditioning class then after that headed over to ladue in saint louis to do a 1-1. The conditioning class went hard today. We had a couple ex college soccer players join us. You could see by their expressions that they thought it would be a breeze due to seeing some middle and upper aged clients of mine. Great to hear from them after the session it was the toughest workout they have done in awhile. With my 1-1 I hit him with mainly lower body movements.
Have been getting updates from the crew in Canada as Kristin and Steph are competing as we speak. So far they are on track to set a PR total.
I have a plumber doing some work at the facility hooking up a ice maker and our hydro therapy tub. If you haven't experienced a cold tub you are missing out. It is brutal while in the tub but the way you feel after is amazing. For me it is one of the best ways to stay healthy and get you legs back. Look forward to another upgrade for the facility.