Today I had a group 9-10am of 14 clients. We hit all running, cardio, agilities, etc and mid-section work . Was a great group. After that I had a 1-1 with a female soccer athlete from ladue. Her mom joined us as well. Was a great few hours at the gym despite the lack of sleep I had. Joey, myself, my wife, coach Randy and his wife all went out and had some food and drinks and stayed out way to late. I cannot drink so am and have been a designated driver for the last year and half. Being on blood thinners and drinking alcohol is a big no-no.
Was great to show Joey the facility. He loved it. Great to hear that from someone who has worked in some of the best collegiate facilities in the country.
Plan on squatting on mon with a weight I haven't had on my back in a long time. Look forward to it. Friday I hit overhead presses, and attempted pull up for the first time in over a year and half. I have been doing pulldowns for months. Only did slow and controlled singles just to feel it out, no issues.