The MONSTER GARAGE GYM/MAROSCHER COACHING LOG is a weekly Coaching Log by MGG owner, 2-Time WPC World Powerlifting Champion, Eric Maroscher, and is geared to the new to intermediate powerlifter. LIVE, LEARN and PASS ON.
MONSTER GARAGE GYM is one of the premier powerlifting gyms in the US.
THIS WEEK’S Monster Garage Gym/Maroscher Coaching Log: SHOOTOUT at the O.K. Corral
This Week’s Coaching Log:
The APF Equipped Nationals, or for those old schooler’s, the Senior Nationals if you will, is rapidly approaching. In a world that is some 90% RAW, the APF Equipped Nationals is one of those few remaining equipped meets that is still a shoot-out at the O.K. Corral for those battle tested 10% that still don the armor of the geared powerlifter.
Each training session for an upcoming meet is critical. This is especially true for geared lifting where the gear needs to have already been tweaked to perfection prior to the final weeks of training. 12 weeks till a meet might sound like a long training cycle, but if you max effort each week that boils down to just 10 heavy squats with a week off and perhaps an opening attempt in there at the end. If you take 8 warm-ups to get to your heavy set we are really talking a mere 80 sets. That is really a blink of an eye with regard to time to train, and why each and every training session, each set and every rep is critical in meet prep.
With the Equipped Nationals happening June 8-10, the time is rapidly approaching and the training has crescendoed into a frenzy, and IMO, is the one of the most exciting times to be a part of a powerlifting team and training in a powerlifting gym. The realization at this point in time is that you are either ready, ravenous for meet day and ready to take a bite out of your competition, or a realization that you didn’t put it all out there for your 12 weeks and the ravenous lifters are smacking their lips and are ready to take a bite out of you.
This is one of the many thrills of this great sport, that approach to the meet where the training sessions seem to become exponentially more important and the training time seems to become shorter than we want it to be.
Lots of great APF geared powerlifters out there training for this meet and it looks to have the potential of living up to the meets of the old Senior Nationals of years gone by. Time will tell. For all those training for this meet, good luck in your final weeks till the meet.
The accompanying video, a day of Equipped Nationals training, gives you a little glimpse into some openers and last few sets of doubles prior to shutting er down for the APF Equipped Nationals.
Wishing all of our weekly coaching log readers the best in your training and competitions. Ever Onward, Eric Maroscher, Owner: MONSTER GARAGE GYM
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MONSTER GARAGE GYM uses Universal Nutrition/Animal supplements and EliteFTS powerlifting equipment. (Equipment used in this video: Elitefts Deluxe Monolifts).
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