Literally, I took this out of Dave Tate's Bench Press Manual.
- Chain Press
Day 2
- Warm up the same as you would for the dynamic bench press.
- When you get to 60 percent, perform three reps.
- With each succeeding set, add one chain per side (so the chain is totally deloaded while the bar is
on your chest). Keep working up in chains until three reps is VERY hard to do but you still do it. Don’t
work up so high that you can’t do the required reps.
- BEAT YOUR RECORD FROM LAST WEEK! We did Four Chains last week @190 lbs. This week we did 5 and 7 chains (per side) @190 lbs.
- Rest as long as needed between sets.
Floor-based Dumbbell Extensions
- Do 2-3 warm-up sets.
- Find a weight (80 lbs)that you could do 12 reps with and perform four sets of eight reps with 45 seconds
between sets.
Barbell Pushups
- Position a barbell at the bottom of a power rack so it will not move.
- Use an ultra-wide grip (forefinger past the rings).
- Perform four sets to failure. If you can do over 20 reps per set, add chains across your back. You
want to fail between 8-12 reps.
- Rest 90 seconds between sets. We got up to three chains and were still hitting 20 reps. MORE next week
- Over head Shoulder Press
- 7x7x105
- Face Pulls
- 4x20