Synergy: “The interaction off elements that when combined produce a total effect that is greater than the sum of the individual elements or contributions.”
This should be the end goal in all rehabilitation or rehab based exercises. To often we focus on individual exercises that lack integration through synergy. It is important for each individual joint to begin working properly independently before it can join the pack. However, i see to many “social media experts” trying to create the next best activation exercises or warm up exercise just to stay relevant. You end up putting out content for the sake of just putting out content. You end up leaving the reader more confused then when they started. They now have 30 different “activation” exercises in front of them and there pre-training-routine is now an hour long. Meanwhile, they are not getting any better or closer to the end goal, a return to training.
The point is not to get good at rehab exercises. The point is to do what is needed to return to training to become an expert at those movements. We lose sight of the goal, which is training. Training is rehab and rehab is training. So dont lose focus.
Here is a an exercise that I believe implements true synergy and integration involving mulitple planes of motions, stability, mobility and neural feedback (via the band). This is how rehab or pre-Training exercises should be built.