Christian completed his meet on Sunday, the APF Nationals in Grand Rapids, MI. He will be posting soon about his own accomplishments, but since we was prepping, I went along for the ride.
Training was a short 10 week cycle in which we did a mainly conjugate program.
Monday - max effort squat
Wednesday - max effort bench
Friday - speed squat and alternating speed deads and max effort deads
Saturday - speed squats
We traveled quite a bit this prep, so I missed a handful of Saturdays, but for the most part got in everything else. The accumulation phase (the first 5-6 weeks) went really well and I felt pretty confident and strong going into the peak.
Christian modified the peak a little bit than his typical peak. We ramped openers, second attempts, then last warm ups going into the meet for the final weeks, keeping with the trend of squatting and deadlifting on Monday and benching Wednesday.
Yesterday myself and a training partner treated it like a meet and took our 3 attempts.
I felt decent going into today and mentally felt ready. My warm ups didn't feel as "snappy" as previous weeks, but overall moved decent.
1st - 285, good
2nd - 310 miss
3rd - 310 miss
In being honest, I was completely frustrated with this. I don't know where the misses came from and while I did see a very very small technical breakdown, I feel as though it wasn't enough to cause a miss. I'll be going back through to see what I actually think it was.
These again felt decent, just not as snappy.
1st - 175
2nd - 185
3rd - 190 miss
None of them would be legal in a meet because I can't keep my butt down to save my life. By the time my 3rd attempt rolled around I was getting very frustrated with how things were going so I know it wasn't helping... at all.
1st - 285
2nd - 305
3rd 320
These felt ok, but I still feel like I'm not where I should be. 320, we noticed something awesome off the floor... finally driving back which made this day end semi-ok.
I'll be analyzing this more and more over the next couple weeks as I rest up and get ready for some GPP/hypertrophy/time away from the bar.