- FBB Incline (2): 95x5/105x5/115x3/3x3@125
- Circuit
- RDL/Row: 3x10@135
- Cambered FBB Bench: 95 - 15/10/8
- Hammer High Row: 2 plates - 15/8/7
- BB Shrugs: 135 - 20/15/10
- FBB Curls: 65x10/75x10/85x8
- Band Pushdowns: 20/15/15
Week 1 is in the books. I feel pretty good. I found out that I can't do a squat movement every workout. It bothers my hip. I will probably just stick to lower body work on the Squat/Deadlift days. I'll try that for a few weeks and probably see if I can add some really easy lower work in (body weight stuff or just extra mobility).
Either way, it feels good to be back on a training schedule.