For the last week I Squatted twice because I didn't fell like Deadlifting.
I was able to do some Benching, which was nice.
In the process of just screwing around in the weight room I think I've stumbled on what I can do without jacking myself up, too much. So, the tentative plan is:
- 3 days of training/week (as usual - I always toy with this, but I know by now what my body can handle for a long period of time).
- Squat/Bench/Deadlift days
- 3 exercises per workout (Squat or Deadlift/Push/Pull - Bench/squat movement or hinge movement/Pull) is the basic idea.
- Boring But Big (basically, 5x10) will follow all of my Main work each day. I love/hate this. I know it'll pack muscle on and condition me very well. I also know that it sucks no matter how good of shape I end up getting in. This is a big part of why I'm doing it.
- Goals for June/July NOV Meet - SSB Box Squat 3 plates for 10 reps. I'll get a better idea of Bench and Deadlift goals as I get back into training. As lame as it sounds, I think FBB Bench 135x10 is a preliminary goal. It'll show me progress with rehabbing my destroyed shoulder.
I just talked with a Baseball player who is in town and working out today... This time of year sucks for organized training (I'm sure I've mentioned this before). The month of December is weird because of schedule, school ending and then vacation. What I like is that I've done a pretty good job of accepting this and not worrying much about what I'm doing in the weight room as long as I'm doing something.
One of the best things I do and I'm very good at is always training. Even if it's half-assed and unfocused I'm always doing something. This is important because it keeps me moving and I never really get to far out of shape. That would be my advice to anyone and everyone. Once or twice a year give yourself a "break" physically and mentally. I get a few breaks with my travels to see my family. I find I generally come back very focused. It may take a week or so to get back in the routine, but once I do I always follow with great training cycles. Great meaning focused.
I keep goals in my head, most of the time. I have "SSB 3 Plates x10" written on my white board in my office right next to "Take your fat ass for a walk". I see it every day. When I get to that point where I lose a little focus the "take... a walk" has definitely helped. Hopefully, the "SSB..." will provide similar reminders.
Anyway, I probably won't be on here again until the new year. I appreciate every one who has read and kept up with my training log. I hope it has given you some ideas (personally and if you're a coach). Enjoy Christmas and overeat.