- SSB Box Squat: 240/270x3/300x10
- Rear Delts: 5x10
- FSL: 5x5@245
- Prayer Press (narrowest grip on FBB): 5x10@95
- KB Row: 5x10
You guys will never guess what I did at the end of the workout... Neck and Curls. Crazy, right? So unexpected.
- FBB: 115/130x5/145x10
- Rear Delts: 5x10
- BBB (straight bar): 5x10@115
- KB Row: 5x10
- BB Shrugs: 5x10
Thursday (we traveled on Friday)
- Trap Bar: 255/285x3/315x10
- Pull-ups: 5x5
- FSL: 5x5@255
- Push-ups: 5x5/Band Pushdowns: 5x10
- BB Curls: 5x10
I'm actually a week behind on posting workouts, but this is on my mind.
I've noticed a few things over the last few weeks.
- My focus on training isn't great.
- I'm getting in a bit of a rut and I think this is related to #1.
- I'm not bored, but I'm not really enjoying my training.
As I wrote this out I realized that all three are probably related. I think my focus isn't great because I have to work for a living. Unfortunately, my job requirements don't care about MY training. Obviously, I understand this.
The rut is partially because I end up training with other people in the weight room and they constantly interrupt my work. I can't get upset. They're college kids asking about weight room stuff. But, I think I'm making excuses for why my training isn't going well. The reality is, I can control this, but it's easier to point fingers and blame it on circumstances.
I'm not planning to completely restructure my training. I do want to make a few tweaks. Over the next few days/training sessions I'm going to write down some things that I think I need to work on. I'm also going to write down the things that I think are necessary.
My hips have been bothering me lately. Not sure if it's a bad thing. It may be my shoes, being on my feet most of the day, getting old... But, I'm definitely more sore than I'm used to. So, I need to take a look at my warm-up and stretching that I do. Am I doing what I feel like because it's simple and easy or I am I doing what I really need? I know the answer to this.
I'll never do exactly what I need to do because I'm lazy, but I can definitely make a few changes to better address my issues. I can already feel the benefits of the 5 minute pre-lift stretching I've been doing. I just need to swap something out for something that may be a little more effective.
In simplifying things I need to figure out exactly what I want to work on. My initial idea is to create an identical circuit on Monday and Friday (Squat and Deadlift days) and then a slightly different one on Wednesdays (Bench).
As I just mentioned, I think I'm going to make a list of things that I feel are absolutely necessary for me to do. I'm also going to ask my assistants to weigh-in with their thoughts. Chances are they are going to have some thoughts that are contrary to mine. This alternate perspective is good.
I mentioned the other day to one of my assistants that I want to be able to Press again. Even if it's just doing 95lbs for sets of 10. I miss Pressing. In order to get back to it I'll have to incorporate it back into training in some fashion.
So like my athletes' programs, I may set up my template with very specific stuff to do at the end of the main workout. Since my powerlifting days I have refrained from doing things like this because I don't love following a very specific template. This stems from "having" to do certain things when I competed. There's a nice freedom in not "having" to do certain things. But, if I really want to improve and progress with some movements I'm going to have to do somethings in a planned out, organized way.
I may even go so far as to write my workout on a template and carry it around with me during my lift.
Basically, my athlete template is set up as follows:
- Pre-Lift Mobility/Movement
- Dynamic Warm-up
- Activation (abs/glutes/low back/shoulders)
- Jumps
- Block 1: Main Lift
- Block 2: Supplemental Lift
- Block 3: Strength Circuit
- Block 4-5: Little stuff
- Teams Abs
- Mobility/Stretch
My template won't be as in-depth, but I think having some things written down might help me address somethings I need to fix. I'm really good about doing the big stuff. I am really bad at doing the little stuff.
I'm kind of looking forward to this. Whenever I get thinking like this I end up being really productive at work, as well.
The first thing I'll do is map out the Main lifts I want to do and some numbers to shoot for. This is basically just SSB, FBB and Trap Bar. Next will be my Supplemental/Assistance Lower Body, Upper Push and Upper Pull stuff. I'll also make sure to have a block to work on some of the little stuff.
I'm off to do some planning. We'll see what happens.