We are moving towards the IPA July 8th meet at press fitness in Tennessee. We have (7) lifters who are committed and paid. Possibly there could be another 2/3 coming to lift. I love this sport as the support we have is amazing. We should have another 12-15 coming to watch and support. Things are def moving in the right direction.
Last fri we had the squad hit some heavy upper body. Everyone is doing a great job on tracking their progress. We just got another in house lifter switch his current program to lift with what are doing. Great to see everyone buy in. On Sunday there is now a group going in and doing their heavy lower body day then instead on mon. I always liked the weekend off but you have to remember I own the facility and time away for me Kees me sane(ish).
Monday we had the lifters do HEAVY band tension with 70% of their max on a safety squat bar. 6x2 was the scheme. After that some sissy squats (reps on reps) and a couple other lower body movements were done to compliment the session.
We have a group of (3) women who have shifted gears due to not competing in the July 8th meet doing a hybrid template of mine where the reps and sets are high and I added a lot of extra conditioning to help them get into the best shape of their lives and to be bikini ready. We are going to do their body fat soon and see what they lose (while gaining muscle and strength) by mid July. Not going to lie it is horrible but they are doing it.
As far as for myself I still cannot do much. Most activities (even walking) make me so fatigued and tired it kills me. Just mopping or vacuuming is tough. My goal is still the same=to pack on as much muscle as possible before the heart transplant and not wither away to nothing. Very hard and you have to have extreme patience which has been tough at times.
Business is good just signed up another team and am signing up more members for the facility weekly. This business is weird, never enough to relax/stress free but enough to stay in business and live.
Will be posting the rest of the week Friday. Today (tues) is a rep method "fluff and puff" day. Thurs is heavy lower and Friday is heavy upper. Next week we start throwing the gear on. Knee wraps for the raw lifters and suits/briefs and shirts for the bearded lifters.