That was a rough couple of weeks. 2 of our kids play competitive sports (baseball and softball) and the schedule is brutal especially at this time of the year because of games being made up due to weather cancellations. I have been running them all over the place.
My Dad came out to Colorado for a week and we built the equivalent of the Titanic but it was a deck for the hot tub instead of a ship. Basically, the same size. That took the majority of last week before it was done.
This week I just finished filming the training footage for the TRTbodybuilding/Longevity2 DVD today and that was a 4 hour round trip commute and roughly 2.5 hours of training time because when you film workouts, it usually takes a bit longer than usual to get all of the angles you want.
As of right now, I am DONE for about 10 days. I even enjoyed some Ben and Jerry's ice cream in the freezer that somehow survived my son's eagle eye (ok, I hit the shit out of that pint of ice cream). Ice cream on a Thursday? Hey, I make the rules; don't question me.
I have a ton of work to catch up on tomorrow and then I am riding motorcycles with a bunch of people for all of next week.
Nothing else to add, really. I am just soooo glad to finally have the last few weeks done. I have plenty more work to do on the DVD when vacation is over but the training was the hardest part and has the most work involved in editing it.
Not long-winded today.
I hope you all have a great weekend. I know I will.