I typically hate cardio – always have. It’s just … sitting or standing in the same place and going nowhere. Yeah, I could go outside and do cardio – blah, blah, blah. Not going to happen. For some reason, though, I have not had any issues with doing double cardio sessions this week. I have number 10 to do tomorrow and then I’m done for the week. I do my a.m. cardio at the house on my elliptical which at 9k ft elevation and then I do the p.m. sessions after my workouts in the city at around 5k. Trust me, there is a huge difference when doing cardio at home vs. the gym. Even though we live at 9k cardio or shoveling the driveway is noticeably different.
I crammed all 4 workouts into 4 days this week for a reason. Basically, I feel a little beaten up so I figured I would put the workouts back to back and get an extra day of rest/recovery over the weekend. If I don’t feel great by Sunday night, I might even take Monday off, as well. Just gonna play it by ear.
All of this cardio and visually I am getting leaner by the day. However, as long as I have been doing this I still want to see the scale fall just like anyone else. When it doesn’t, it’s like, wtf?? Bitch is, too, I cant explain why it hasn’t fallen. I am on TRT so it isn’t like I started a new compound and had a small increase in weight. I haven’t done anything other than add more cardio. So, it’s the cardio. I am holding more water in my legs (in the muscles) from the substantial increase in cardio this week. To prove my point, I will tell you that next week I won’t have the same issue and the weight will fall. In the meantime, I am very happy with the progress visually this week so I have no complaints.
Mrs. Skip is in Michigan because her mother is undergoing chemo and radiation for colorectal cancer. She will be there for a long weekend and is training and keeping up her diet. Not sure how her Mother’s health and situation is going to play into her prep but for now, she is making it work. She will move forward as long as things are heading in a good direction.
I was finally able to pick up my motorcycle today after about 4 months of having it built. The last thing I wanted to do was cardio before going but it had to be done. I enjoyed the afternoon riding and was reminded about how much I missed last year without a bike. It won’t happen again. I need my therapy.
I will be riding this weekend. I hope you all have a great weekend, as well!