Chad Smith launched his 2010 season at the Lumberjack Invitational at Northern Arizona University. He clenched second, tearing at the heels of defending U.S. Indoor champion and No. 4 in the world, Dan Taylor. However, Chad wasn’t pleased with his performance. But, hey, you’re your own worst critic.

“It was a very mediocre performance on my part, despite having solid training leading up to it,” Chad said. “The competition was strong. My stand throws were powerful, near 57 feet, but my technique was shit.”

Chad said his results during training were a lot better than the ones at the meet. His series played out to be 60-0, 61-3, 62-2, foul, foul and foul. For Chad’s next meet, he’s going to work on technique.

“It was the first meet of the year, so I’m not concerned about it – just frustrated,” Chad said. “My training isn’t geared to throw my best in January.”

There are two ways Chad said his training will change throughout the 2010 season.“It will change in the weight room, as I’ll be working on a higher rate of force development,” Chad said. “During the last three months, I worked up to my five, three and one maxes. I had been staying away from accommodating resistance. But bands and chains will now be playing a critical role as I look to improve my bar speed.”Chad’s program for the remainder of the season is split up into two and three week waves. There are only three times throughout the remainder of the year that Chad will perform true ME work for the lower body. He feels it isn’t his strength that is the problem.“I’m not trying to be the best weightlifter, right now I need to work on my speed and energy.” Chad said. “This week I’ll be doing a near max triple in the box squat with 120 pounds of chain, but next week I’m only depth jumping. I’m not squatting every week because it taxes my CNS too much.”The most beneficial exercises for Chad in the weight room are seated box jumps and box squats with bands or chains. As for the weakest part of his throw, Chad believes it’s the middle of the movement that is his weakest point. He has been performing – what he calls the wheel drill to work on that area. Chad starts with his right foot in the middle of the ring and completes a half turn.

Wheel Drill

Here’s a look at Chad’s training a week before the meet:

Day 1 - Throwing and Deloading Upper Body

Threw the 16.

10 Stands

10 Wheel Drills

10 Fulls

*Throws were split 1/3 each between 75%, 85%, and 95% intensity.

135 x 10
185 x 5
225 x 5
275 x 5
315 x 5
315 x 5
275 x 10
225 x 15
185 x 20

Chest Supported Row
1 plate x 10
1.5 plates x 10
2 plates x 10
2.5 plates 2 x 10
Drop Set
2.5 plates x 5
2 plates x 10
1.5 plates x 15
1 plate x 20

Delt Triad

2 x 15
Dumbbell Tricep Extensions

3 x 25 with Tyler Grips

Day 2 - Throwing and Deloading Lower Body

Threw the 14.

Stands and wheel drills.

Box Squat
135 x 5
225 x 5
315 x 5
365 x 1
225 x 10 (2 Sets)

Reverse Hyper
2 x 30

Backwards Sled Drags
2 x 40 yards

BW Core
Day 3 - Throwing and Deloading

Threw the 16.

6 Stands

3 Wheel Drills

6 Fulls

* Emphasis on technique and timing.

Barbell x 20
135 x 5
225 x 2 (3 sets)
245 x 2 (3 sets)
275 x 3

3 x 8

Reverse Hyper

3 x 15

Although Chad’s weight training consists of a deload, he rarely deloads the volume of his throws.

“I can throw hard and not be torn down next day, like when I squat,” Chad said.

However, when he does drop the volume of his throws, he’ll increase the intensity. Chad’s throwing at a total of nine meets this year. His training is set up so that he has a deload or light week going into every meet.

“I’m truly grateful for the support through Elitefts,” Chad said. “For everyone reading this in the Albuquerque, New Mexico area – I have a meet there February 6 and February 27 for the U.S. indoor championships.”

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