When you get Joe Kenn and Jim Wendler in the same room, what do you get? Over an hour worth of video footage. So, we've split it up into multiple sections. The first couple videos explained Joe's background, life experiences, strength training philosophies and Block Zero. The two videos in this article discuss and demonstrate the power clean.
The series has valuable information that any athlete, coach or strength trainer can learn from.
About Joe:
Joe Kenn has spent the last 19 years as a “strength coach” on the collegiate level working at Boise State, University of Utah, Arizona State and Louisville. Joe owns and operates Big House Power Competitive Athletic Training LLC (http://www.bighousepower.com), an educational member website for parents, coaches, and athletes. He has published the highly successful The Coach’s Strength Training Playbook and is a highly sought after speaker on the national level.
Joe Kenn Interview with Jim Wendler Part 3
“It’s not just lying on a bench, to bench. It’s not just sitting down to squat. There’s a lot of ways that you can manipulate and activate more muscle.” – Joe Kenn
“I’m teaching kids that really don’t want to clean.” – Joe Kenn
“A clean is as simple as push, jump and punch.” – Joe Kenn
Joe Kenn Interview Part 4
“Those are diamond cut calves by the way.” – Jim Wendler
“In this day and age, you’ve got to keep these fools engaged.” – Joe Kenn
Previous Interview with Collegiate Strength Coach Specialist Joe Kenn Article
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