Secrets of Russian Sports Fitness and Training

Secrets of Russian Sports Fitness and Training

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Secrets of Russian Sports Fitness and Training by Dr. Michael Yessis 

The Secrets of Soviet Sports Fitness and Training, published in 1987, tells the story of Soviet sports success in the Olympic Games and World championships. It describes the key factors of the Soviet system of training athletes -- a system that is still unsurpassed by any country in the world -- not even after the country was dismantled. 

Now, after 21 years, an updated version of this book is available. In addition to the original, an addendum has been added to each chapter to bring it up to date with the advances that have been made since the first printing. More information from practicing Russian coaches as well as from the literature has been included. Also added are results from application of Russian methods by coaches who have incorporated one or more aspects of their system. 

I was so happy to be one of the first to review the new revised edition of The Secretes of Soviet Sports and Fitness. This is one of my all time favorite training books that has been on my best training reference shelf since the first time I read it many years ago. This was also one of the most requested and best selling books we used to sell at - then it was discontinued. Now it is finally back and IMPROVED. I highly suggest you pick this one up.
- Dave Tate

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