March 19th, 2015

Kettlebell sport training, as I've said before and I'll say it again, I would rather deadlift 400 lbs than lift kettlebells for a 10 min set so why do I do it ? It's a mental challenge, it's gruelling, horrible and yet so damn effective for strength, conditioning, joints and tendons.


W/U 5 mins joint mobility

W/U 5 mins swings (variations one hand, two hand, alternating)

W/U Clean and Jerk 14 Kg 2 mins

16 Kg Clean and Jerk 15/15

18 Kg Clean and Jerk 15/15

20 Kg Clean and Jerk 15/15

22 Kg Clean and Jerk 15/15

24 Kg Jerk 5/5

12 Kg Snatch 24/24  x 2

14 Kg Snatch 24/24 x 2

16 Kg Snatch 24/24



12 Kg Double Clean and Jerk 2 mins

14 Kg Double Clean and Jerk 2 mins

16 Kg Double Clean and Jerk 2 mins

20 Kg Double Jerks 5/5

Squat sequence 2 mins (drop squat/summo squat/swing squat) x 3

16 Kg Bent Over rows 10/10

18 Kg Bent Over rows 10/10

20 Kg Bent Over rows 10/10

12 Kg Tricept extentions 25/25

I am coaching 8 women right now for kettlebell sport, most of them will compete in April. I find it hard coaching, training and getting ready to compete yourself. For this meet I will just approach this competition as a conditioning set that will carry over into my National Powerlifting meet in June.  I'm not going for anything crazy like CMS or MS this time as I won't be ready but two of my athletes are, Bethany and Shannon Lewis and this competition is going to be Epic! From a Coaches standpoint there is no greater feeling and satisfaction knowing your Athlete's are achieving their goals whether big or small.

So why compete if you aren't going for the moon ? Personally I feel I need a goal whether it's big or small just to stay focused on my training. I have two Powerlifting meets in June and will be entering a strenuous 10 week program very soon. This training is a bit of a break to work on my conditioning and I think it's just what the Dr. ordered.

#livelearnpasson #elitefts #strongher #driven #kettlebellsrock