Sat, 26 Mar 16

Finally a nice, sunny, (mostly) warm morning of event training.  Got my first sunburn of the year today and did some miserable conditioning that made everyone except me hate his life at the end.  I would have been there with everyone else if there had been less down time between runs though - I'm not used to having so many people doing conditioning at once.  I'll have to keep it simple next week and just do some good old heavy prowler pushes.

Everyone kicked ass today in some form or another, especially Ryan and Bill, who hit PRs on circus DB and atlas stones, respectively.  Marc showed improvement on farmer's and Mike did some solid stone shouldering.  I was off to the races initially, but managed to tweak the right side of my neck on the pick of my last run of farmer's which was just enough to make me ease up a little to prevent a minor annoyance from becoming a more significant detriment.

Log C&J (clean each rep)

complex x 85

complex x 135

complex x 175




Farmer's Walk

2x50' x 110

50' x 220

50' x 270

50' x 310

50' x 320

Atlas Stone Shouldering

2x6x200 - Alternating shoulders, felt easy, but didn't go up because of my neck.

Prowler Backward Drag/Zercher Carry Medley

3x{100' x prowler + 140/100' x 250}

2x{100' x prowler + 190/100' x 300}

100' x prowler + 230/100' x 350