Fri, 29 Jul 16
I felt great today, which pissed me off. Who cares how I feel for the easiest day of my training that is currently focused on nonsense and stupidity? Not this guy. But it is still better than feeling like I lost a dookie fight with a rhesus monkey so I'll take it.
Blast Strap Pushups/Diagonal Band Pullaparts
3x{20xBW/15ea x mini}
Kickbacks/Pronated Grip Curls
15ea x 20/15x15
2x{15ea x 25/15x35}
Incline Reverse Crunch/Pallof Holds
2x{15x4/30 sec ea x light band}
10x4/30 sec ea x light band - I added 4 lb ankle weights to the crunches today to increase the difficulty while dropping the reps down a little bit and it worked very well.