Wed, 16 May 18

Speed Lower

I felt like dookie today during tugs in my suit so I'll do a better job of warming up next time, but they still went pretty well overall for my first day doing speed work with the Metal Jack DL and second time in it at all recently.

14" Banded DL (short light bands)





2x275 - Add suit

4x2x315 - Add belt


I wanted to work up higher, but my low back and ham hocks were feeling pretty rough so I limited myself to this small jump for today.  This is why I will extend my warmup a little more next time.

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Stone Squats



These were much easier than last week, but that could have been from a couple spots of residual tacky on the one hand, but I also didn't wear my grip shirt on the other hand so maybe that all equals out?  Anyway, I ripped a juicy fart sometime during the set with 245 and I hope the girl training near me doing Turkish getups was appropriately impressed, cause I sure was.

Standing Calf Raises/Reverse Hypers/Incline Reverse Crunches


Tabata Airbike

I literally stood staring at a wall for about 5 minutes having an internal argument with myself about doing this or not.  I really didn't want to, but finally I sacked up and did it and it was truly turrbl.  But I'm damn glad I did it.